Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jacksonville Zoo (Fri, June 26)

Jacksonville Zoo visit
We got to sleep in this morning, which after waking up at 5 am yesterday was definitely needed. After my quick breakfast, I handed in the second part of our group project that was due today, and got on the van to head to the Jacksonville Zoo. We got a few presentations from various zoo staff--both of the veterinarians on staff there, as well as keepers--about the conservation projects that the zoo is working on and funding. Then we were free to roam around the zoo and see the exhibits for a while, before a tour of the vet hospital.

Some of my favorite animals of the day
The black bears, who were settling in for a nap when we saw them and were adorable
Big cats, although they were all sleeping--Florida Panther, Jaguar, and, Amur Leopard
A tapir sleeping with his mouth open, exposing his snaggly gross teeth
The anteater, because he's so funny looking
Cotton-top tamarins, who were all cuddling together and very snuggly looking
The pudu, which was so cute and small
The evil-looking, ROUS-like, Capybara
Roseate spoonbills collecting sticks and building their nests with them
....and, the gopher tortoise, because I now know how to take his blood!

One of the bonobo monkeys at the Jacksonville Zoo

The rest of the day was quite relaxing, especially because a huge thunderstorm knocked some of the power out in Big Game Lodge, so the A/C was off and it was actually a comfortable temperature inside for dinner and our meeting about logistics for Tanzania after dinner.

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