Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sokoine, Day 2 (Wednesday, August 5)

Today we split the day in half, first talking about biomarkers and pollution in fish. We had a couple lectures, and then went outside to practice bleeding and taking post-mortem samples from catfish, and to look at a few different types of potentially toxic cyanobacteria.

View from where we were testing fish outside the vet school

Preparing to bleed a gigantic catfish

The second half of the day focused on the problem of Influenza in Tanzania. We had an Avian Flu lecture from one of the SUA faculty, and then a lecture on the H1N1 Swine Flu from a visiting professor from UC Davis. In the afternoon we had a lab, practicing chicken restraint and sample collection for AI testing. We each got our own chicken to handle and test, and it was really and the chickens were nice and calm and friendly.

African chicken restraint method: a towel

My test chicken

For dinner, we drove into Morogoro and went to Dragonaire's, a pizza restaurant. The food was delicious, and we hung out there after dinner at the bar, dancing and playing pool.

Group at Dragonaire's

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