Friday, March 4, 2011

The Ithaca Eating Project

I've been complaining lately that there aren't any good restaurants in Ithaca.  After driving around for a little while doing errands today, I realized that there are a lot of restaurants that I've never even heard of, much less been to, here in town.  I got on the interwebz when I got home, and discovered....161 restaurants currently in Ithaca, to be exact (and not counting McDonalds, Subway and the like).  I also came upon this website,, and they're in the midst of eating at every restaurant in Ithaca from A to Z.  They're also chatting with chefs and a little distracted by other foodie-related things, but I like the eating part, so I'm in.  After two and a half years here, I've eaten at 42 of the 161 restaurants here....and I have about a year to finish 119 more!  Wish me luck (and a gym membership)!

For a list of the restaurants, and where I've been, check out the google doc: The Ithaca Eating Project spreadsheet

And, since it's completely non-veterinary related, I'm taking the posting about this new project (undoubtedly more interesting than my day-to-day activities at the vet school), and moving them to a neighboring blog.  Go to The Ithaca Eating Project blog if you're seeing me stuff my face.

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