Saturday, July 18, 2009

Last Day in America (Saturday, July 18)

We only had a half day of lectures today, finishing up talking about marine mammals and manatees. Dr. Bossart talked to us about his manatee conservation program, and it sounds really interesting. He mentioned that they had internships and space for students, and I'd definitely be into helping with disease surveillance or health assessment projects on manatees at some point during vet school.

The rest of the night tonight was spent sending last minute emails, checking, talking on the phone, and otherwise enjoying American conveniences like running water, electricity, and toilet paper. We leave HBOI at 2 am tonight (so, technically Sunday morning) and drive 3 hours down to Ft. Lauderdale airport for our 6 am flight to JFK. After a 2 hour layover in NY, we have a 13 hour flight to our connection in Dubai, then another 6 hour flight to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. With the 7 hour time change, we arrive in Dar around 3 pm on Monday. Whew.

I don't know whether/how often I'll have internet access to update this blog, but I'll post when I get a chance in the next three weeks of traveling around Tanzania. You can see a summary of our route and plans on the google map that I made, here:

Map of route

If I don't get too many chances to update, keep an eye out around the second week of August (when I get back), and I'll probably post a lot all at once. I hope you enjoyed hearing about the first half (two thirds?) of my summer! Tutaonana badai!

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