Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, July 16

We had a few more talks on toxicology and the marine environment, including one on oiled wildlife from Dr. Joe Gaydon from the UC Davis Oiled Wildlife Care Network.

After lunch we had our bird necropsy lab, which was really cool. They saved enough birds that we were all able to have our own bird. I got a Fish Crow that looked like it had been in the freezer for about 6 months. It didn't have any very interesting findings, and by the end I still couldn't tell how it had died, but it was really rotten and opening the mouth the first time was probably the smelliest thing I've ever smelled. I kept asking Joe whether the gross, goopy, black organs were abnormal or artifacts from autolysis and freezing, and by the end he just said that my bird was "melty." That can't be good.

Dr. Terrell demonstrating the necropsy technique on an owl

The fish crow I necropsied

Tyvek suits + Pelicans = photo op!

We had the evening off, and went to see the new Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, which I've been looking forward to for....6 years?! It was GREAT!!!

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